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Supreme Court of Georgia
Office of Bar Admissions

Administrative Accommodations

As directed by the NCBE, the Georgia Board of Bar Examiners does not allow applicants to bring food or beverages of any kind other than water (in a clear, unlabeled bottle) into the exam room. An Administrative Accommodations allows applicants with certain health-related issues to bring items that would otherwise be prohibited into the standard testing room following the standard testing schedule. Applicants who need to be tested in a separate testing room (generally testing under a modified testing schedule) should instead seek Nonstandard Testing Accommodations. Information about NTA requests can be found here.

Common examples of Administrative Accommodations requests include bringing diabetic supplies, a lactation pump, or a lumbar support cushion or seeking a special seating arrangement near the restroom due to a medical condition.

The completed Administrative Accommodations Form and supporting medical documentation (a letter from your medical professional) must be received in the Office of Bar Admissions no later than December 1 by 4 pm for the February Bar Examination and May 1 by 4 pm for the July Bar Examination.. If you are unable to submit your request by the deadline due to circumstances beyond your control, please email as soon as possible. Please email all Administrative Accommodations forms to

Once received, our office will post a response message on your homepage within five business days.

Click the Administrative Accommodations link here to access the Administrative Accommodations Form.